Obligation to report posted employees as of 1 July 2019

Posted on 3rd January, 2019

Estimated reading time 1 minute

The obligation to report any posted employees in the Netherlands will enter into force from 1 July 2019. This means that companies and individuals who want to provide services in the Netherlands have to report posted employees to the Dutch authorities before they start to work in the Netherlands, as required by the EU Posting of workers Directive and the Enforcement Directive.

Failure to report renders the service provider as well as the service recipient subject to a penalty of € 12.000 for each non-reported posted employee.

If you plan to post employees to the Netherlands, please ensure you are aware of your the reporting obligations.

For further information or to discuss any of the issues raised, please contact Edith Franssen edith.franssen@loyensloeff.com on +31 10 224 64 53