German Social Security Rates for 2015

Posted on 9th January, 2014

Estimated reading time 3 minutes

The expected 2015 social security rates for Germany are set out below.  These are subject to confirmation by the Federal Cabinet and Council in October 2014.

New rates for 2015

Area of social security

Contribution threshold 2015*

Pension and unemployment insurance

(West Germany) 72.600 EUR p.a. / 6.050 EUR p.m.

(East Germany) 62.400 EUR p.a. / 5.200 EUR p.m.

Health and long-term care insurance

(Nationwide) 49.500 EUR p.a. / 4.125 EUR p.m.

General annual remuneration threshold **

(Nationwide) 54.900 EUR p.a. / 4.575 EUR p.m

Special annual remuneration threshold ***

(Nationwide) 49.500 EUR p.a. / 4.125,00 EUR p.m

Reference threshold ****

(West Germany) 34.020 EUR p.a. / 2.835 EUR p.m.

(East Germany) 28.980 EUR p.a. / 2.415 EUR p.m.

* All rates are subject to approval by the Federal Cabinet and the Federal Council in October 2014

** (§ 6 Abs. 6 SGB V) - entitlement to private health insurance

*** (§ 6 Abs. 7 SGB V) - entitlement to private health insurance, if the employee was privately insured as an employee for the purposes of social security on 31st December 2002

**** (§ 18 SGB IV) - for certain groups of self-employed persons


For further information or to discuss any of the issues raised, please contact Stefanie Andrelang on +49 (0) 89 2422300 at Keller Menz –


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