Dutch large enterprises become eligible for the Fixed Cost Allowance pursuant to approval European Commission

Posted on 4th January, 2021

Estimated reading time 3 minutes

As the lockdown measures are extended, the Dutch government envisages to open the Fixed Costs Allowance (TVL) to large enterprises and increase the subsidy amount significantly. On 16 March 2021, the European Commission approved the envisaged measures.

The TVL is a subsidy for companies with a loss of turnover of at least 30%. Companies in almost all sectors have access to the TVL. Certain restrictions and exclusions apply to some sectors, such as the banking sector and the agricultural sector. The TVL further provides that the company should be established and included in the Trade Register before 15 March 2020.

Enterprises should quarterly apply for the subsidy. For Q1 2021, the maximum subsidy for large companies is € 600,000. For SMEs, the maximum subsidy is € 550,000. Each enterprise/corporation with a Chamber of Commerce number should apply for the TVL on a stand-alone basis. Due to European state aid rules, the total subsidy received by the enterprise under the TVL and certain other subsidy schemes may not exceed € 1,800,000. The maximum subsidy amount is determined on the basis of the group as a whole.

For Q1 2021 the TVL requires a loss of turnover of at least 30% compared to Q1 2019 (a different reference period applies for enterprises incorporated after Q1 2019).

Enterprises can apply for the TVL Q1 2021 until 18 May 2021.

This article was produced by CELIA member firm Loyens & Loeff.

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