Employment: Proposed Equality Act: Codes and new guidance in development by EHRC

Posted on 3rd January, 2010

Estimated reading time 1 minute

In anticipation of the current Equality Bill coming into force, the Equality and Human Rights Commission (“EHRC”) has been working on producing associated statutory Codes of Practice together with non-statutory guidance.

The Equality Act is intended to replace nine anti-discrimination laws and over one hundred other measures with one consolidated and streamlined piece of legislation.

Five new draft statutory Codes are being prepared relating to employment and occupation, services and public functions, equal pay, education and the public sector equality duty.  The first three of these draft Codes (employment, equal pay and services and public functions) have been released and are currently in a consultation stage.  The consultation ends on 2 April 2010 and questionnaires can be obtained from the EHRC website.

In addition, the ECHR is consulting separately on the non-statutory guidance. This consultation period runs up to 16 April 2010.

Related articles

Equality Bill 2009 - a wide-ranging reform of discrimination legislation


Draft Code of Practice on employment

Draft Code of Practice on equal pay

Draft Code of Practice on services, public functions and associations

EHRC website

For further information or to discuss the issues raised, please Colina Greenway (colina.greenway@abbisscadres.com) on +44 (0) 203 051 5711.